Not with a bang but a whimper

Remember that crazy emergency court injunction that the Regional Association of West Quebecers and some John Paul II High School parents were seeking, the one that would block the school’s closure on minority-language education rights grounds? Apparently, according to page one of today’s Equity (link good for one week only), it never got filed — and both RAWQ and the parents are blaming the high-profile lawyer for not doing so.

Meanwhile, the school board had only received an e-mail and voice message about the pending injunction, and I can add that the teacher’s union hadn’t heard of it, so it does seem that the PR side of things was moving much faster than the legal side. At any rate, I’ll bet there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes than this. The paper does not mention whether they tried to contact the lawyer to get his side of the story, though I doubt attorney-client privilege would allow him to do so (even so, they ought to have made the attempt).

Since classes start next Tuesday, this is not a bad outcome.